lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011


It was September of 2008 and it has been a year since my great grandmother passed away, I was sitting in the bottom of my bed watching the TV, while my mother was cooking from morning until noon. The smell of the lasagna awaked my appetite; I could almost taste the cheese in my moth. I walked down stairs and asked my mother if I could have a bit of that wonderful lasagna that she had made. She told me to wait until dinner. I was anxious for night; I love the fact that my parents make specials dinners for the family. My mother asked me if I could go to buy some bread and stuff at the store. The store was 3 blocks from my house as my grandmother house, so obviously I had to pass front the house of my grandmother.
While I was walk to the store, smelling the fresh air and watching the clouds, I notice that the neighbor of my grandmother was outside, watering his flowers, his name was Juanito and doesn’t have his feet. My first impression of him was that he was very sad and he needed some help. I watched him until he turned around, I smiled to him and I said “Good morning”. He stared and said nothing. I walked away and finally I got to the store. I buy everything my mother told me. In my way back I decide not to stare at him, because I felt like I had offended him or something. When I was finally home, I went to my room I wondered how poor guy he was.
The dinner was almost ready and the people were arriving. My cousins and I were playing and watching TV, and I was so anxious for eat my piece of lasagna with extra cheese. While I was eating, I was telling my cousins and friends that my grandmother has a neighbor that doesn’t have his feet, and how sad he looks. I really wanted to be like his friend and being nice with him. When I was telling this one of my neighbors friends told me that he was kind of strange, he used to play really high music and sing with the window open so everyone can hear him.
After a while my grandmother called my mother really scared and the only things that I can hear was my mother screaming and mi father really mad. I really didn’t know what was happening. My father took his car and he go away. My mother was still talking with my mother in the phone saying: “Don’t worry mother Milton is going right there” while she was crying. I got really scared I asked my mother a thousand times what was happening but she was to stress that she doesn’t even answered once. My father came home an hour later and I asked what was happening. Finally I got an answer. My grandmother’s neighbor got really crazy and he start to throw cement blocks and paint buckets. My grandmother was freaking out and she came out and asked him what was going on, and he answered I hate you, stop spying me and stop putting chips in my house.
It was clear to me that that man was crazy. My grandmother was living alone since my great grandmother passed away and for her it was really difficult to being alone. I was really scary; I couldn’t imagine my grandmother all alone with that crazy man throwing to her that kind of stuff. My father told me that he called the police and when they were there they didn’t do anything because he doesn’t have his feet. They only take some test to him and it turns out that he takes drugs so that make him imagine that my grandmother was spying him. My grandmother called his family and told all the problems that he was making. Juanito lives alone because anyone of his family wanted him, so that makes him to take drugs. From that day I notice that you never had to underestimate anyone, even if they doest had feet because we all are the same and sometimes the first impression that we have on people are not how they really are.  

domingo, 18 de septiembre de 2011

Oh, my buddy the weather!

For Some People Talking About the weather is an awkward subject to discuss on a date, and some people talk about it just because they do not have anything more to talk about. But for me the weather is a beautiful subject to talk about. I love the weather, I love how beautiful are the Change of Seasons. If one day someone asked me the question: what I like more, cold weather or hot weather? I probably would not know what to answer. I love both!

The rain is magical, I love the how the rain makes me relaxed feel, hearing the rain makes me imagined how beautiful the nature iswonderful and how great is God to nature. The rain has been my friend since birth; it has accompanied me in all the important moments of my life.  On May 27, 2010 my country, Guatemala, suffer from a natural disaster, Pacaya volcano erupted on a rainy day, making the whole city covered by ash. Some people make fun of it, and some people were worried about it. For me it was a new experience, something I haven’t seen before.  I remember that day, I was talking with the boy I liked, and he told me to go outside because it was raining sand or ash. I was impress it was something really strange I didn’t know what was happening, till I saw the news. The next day a hurricane hit our country and I was going on a date with the boy a liked, But that does not stop me from going to my date. That day was incredible it was raining, but not a typical rain; it was raining sand and ash. The boy that I like took me to the outside of the building that we where and he asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend. I was freezing because of the rain, but I said yes. It was one of the happiest days of my life.

Sunny days are amazing, I love feeling the sun in my skin and how happy it makes me feel. On 2009, I went to Australia for my fifteenth birthday. It was an incredible trip. When I arrived on Australia the first thing that I notices was the weather, it was a hot weather for sure. I love it. Every day that I wake up it was a sunny day, it was beautiful. In front of my hotel it has a park with a lagoon. It was a lot of fun going there, because every time that the day was getting hotter we went to the park and we get into the lagoon. The last day that I was in Australia it was one of the hottest and my family and I went to the beach. I love Bondi beach. It is very beautiful and the water is really cold, you can see all the people swimming and surfing. I passed a really good time in Bondi beach with my family, swimming, walking all over the beach, talking and eating.

The next year I went to Colorado, Telluride. And in that trip I experienced a type of weather that I have not experience before, and it was the snowy weather. I adore the snow, it was incredible I play all day and night with it, I did skiing and I pass thanks giving there. One of the things I loved the most was that in thanks giving I actually saw how it snows.  We ate a lot that day and after the dinner we went outside to watch how it snows, and my sister and I played with the snow for almost 4 hours we where freezing, I could feel my hands and my face. The weather has always being with me, it is like my buddy. I know for a lot of people it is too, because weather is always with us. The weather is the one that makes you life interesting, it is like a movie without the music and the setting you don’t have movie. The same happens in your life without the weather our lives would be boring and not interesting. So we have to enjoy the weather. 

lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2011

My Childhood Memories

It is not difficult for me to talk about my childhood. I was really happy kid. I lived in a place full of love and happiness.  I consider myself a Disney fanatic since a little kid. When I was 3 years old I loved to watch Disney movies, those movies were the best. I pass all the day sitting in my little chair watching Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Donald, Daisy, Goofy and Pluto. So big was my obsession with Disney that I had my room full of princesses, Disney movies, toy story toys, and even the sleepy beauty castle. For the age of 4 I had my first visit to Disney. It was magical, the best trip ever and I still remember about everything. My daddy took me to Minnie’s house, I was literally in shock. I always dream about a house like that. When I was 5 years my little sister was born. I was so happy. Finally someone I can play with. My sister always was my partner in every game we played. I remember that we fix always the sofa so we can make it look like a house. We played there for hours, even for days. We played about everything. We have a lot of imagination; we even invent our own games. It was so much fun to create our own adventures. My mother was too one of the best persons to create stories, games and adventures. I remember one day that she tells us a story about a magic bus, and every time that we were in the car we imagine that that magic bus was our car. The first day of school was really interesting for me, because it was my birthday. That day I get lost in the school I was really scared, but a teacher grabbed my hand and took me to my classroom. I loved my school al the kids were very nice and friendly. That day I made more than 10 friends. My favorite thing to do in the school was singing English songs. Reassess was the best thing for me at kinder garden.  My friends and I always play “family” it was really funny, because we were only girls and the girls that was the father always get mad at us because she doesn’t wanted to be a boy. I loved to do sleepovers with my friends, every single birthday I celebrate, I made a sleepover. We sleep really late. Well, in that time 9:00 pm was really late. We eat a lot of candies and fast food. We played barbies all the night. I loved to celebrated my birthday, not only because of the gift, but because I pass a really good time with my friends and family. When I was 8 years I get appendicitis, because that my dad is a doctor I don’t get so sick. My parents took me really quickly to the hospital. The surgery was really fast and it wasn’t so painful.  I wasn’t scared, instead I was really excited. I mean, it was a new adventure. When I went back to my house I can only eat soup and ice cream. I love ice cream so that was good news for me. I remember that, that week was bimestrial, but in that time I was a “A” student so there was no trouble. While I was resting in my house, my favorite channel was “Nickelodeon”. I pass all day watching Hey, Arnold, Clarissa, Rugrats, Rocko's modern life, etc…  Those programs took a really important place in my childhood. I had all the toys from nickelodeon and I imagine that my toys had life, but in the day they sleep and in the night they wake up so they can take care of me, but I was a secrete because if someone one day discovers it out they can be in danger. So I never tell anyone my secret. I really had an awesome childhood I don’t regret anything about it. The most important thing that happened in my life is in my childhood. All those memories are so important for me I am so happy and thankful about everything that happened.